

Specialty Services

At SmilesByDrPrice we count on the support of the specialities we provide to give our patients a secure and healthy result.

  • Composite Veneers
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Early stages (crowns and fixed prostheses)

Oral Hygiene and Prevention

At SmilesByDrPrice we believe that the foundation for a perfect smile begins at home by brushing your teeth three times a day. Flossing and mouthwash help lengthen the longevity of the procedures we create in the office, along with education in brushing techniques and oral hygiene, among others. Importantly, do not forget to visit us at least three times per year.


It is important to ensure good oral health. When a patient attends our clinic with cavities, they are removed and restored before performing any cosmetic procedure, following the deep oral hygienic cleaning. With this practice, we maintain and develop healthy teeth, both inside and out.